Cleaning service providers charge business organizations according to contractual agreements to provide a variety of cleaning services. The fees vary depending on different factors, including the frequency and type of cleaning as well as the size of the space to be cleaned.

In recent years, business organizations have drastically increased the amount of money they invest in cleaning services in order to keep clean working environments that are healthy and safe.

In 2020, the United States contract cleaning services market was valued at $82.7 billion. In 2021, the value of the market jumped to $86.8 billion, and it’s projected to continue to grow exponentially through at least 2030.

Following the same trend, a recent report by Research and Markets predicts that the global market for cleaning providers is projected to top $555 billion by 2030. In 2022, the market size stood at $343.34 billion.

The service types included in these prospects are window, floor and carpet, upholstery, and general commercial cleaning.

The commercial cleaning services market is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% between 2023 and 2030. Much of the stark increase in market size can be attributed to a growing awareness of and insistence on safety and cleanliness in work environments.

This is especially true in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic changed the standards of worker health and safety in addition to the well-being of customers in all industries and sectors.

If you need commercial cleaning services to keep your employees and customers healthy and safe, contact 360Clean today for a free service estimate.

How COVID-19 Changed the Workplace Hygiene Landscape

It’s long been known that businesses, companies, and organizations that invest in worker health and safety benefit in numerous ways. An excellent workplace safety record can give businesses an edge when recruiting new employees. These businesses enjoy significant returns on their investment.

Making employee health and safety a priority offers additional benefits for employers, including:

  • Reduced injuries in the workplace
  • Fewer workers’ compensation claims
  • Less frequent employee sick days and missed work days
  • A reduction in the number of illnesses
  • Reduced labor costs

Businesses also enjoy a solid reputation in their communities for being clean, safe workplaces. This reputation attracts future staff members and customers.

The COVID-19 pandemic “upped the ante” concerning health and safety, forcing businesses to act decisively and dramatically to keep employees safe.

As the pandemic stressed the economy, it became a challenge to strike a balance between trying to contain the spread of coronavirus and maintaining a productive workplace.

The working conditions in many businesses and companies were exposed for what they really were, and standards for worker safety and health were forever changed. As a result, the global need for commercial cleaning services skyrocketed and continues to do so.

Total Worker Health in the Workplace

Total worker health (TWH) encompasses employees’ well-being, safety, and health. Assessing TWH helps employers gauge what their workers experience, what needs to change in the workplace, and how to improve the work environment.

The current health of an employee, as well as initiatives to keep them healthy, is a primary focus. Protecting and promoting health must be an integrated effort, and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it still remains a critical concern in many residential, commercial, and industrial environments.

The pandemic turned assumptions about safety and health in the workplace upside down and became an accelerant for promoting these issues. It also pulled several social issues, like sick leave, disability, and the way healthcare environments treated employees and patients, into the fray.

The lack of focus on total worker health in all kinds of workplaces became much more prominent.

The Lasting Impact of COVID-19 on Commercial Cleaning Services

The COVID-19 pandemic inflated concerns about workplace hygiene and health, and as lockdown regulations eased, requirements for hygienic cleanings to assure the safety of everyone rose with the economy’s reopening.

To prevent future pandemics, businesses have increased the frequency of workplace cleanings, changed the type of products being used, and even examined established cleaning routines. Specifically, the shift from mostly light weekly cleanings to heavy daily cleanings is noticeable.

Customers and employees of business organizations now expect commercial cleaning service providers to be COVID-19 certified. In addition, two new priorities — focusing on health conditions in the workplace and monitoring infection control efforts — have been placed at the top of the list.

New local, county, state, and federal guidelines state that businesses must comply with issued procedure standards to mitigate employee risks. In this case, the increase in demand for commercial cleaning services is due to companies wanting not only to protect their employees’ health but also to avoid legal action for failure to abide by laws.

Infection control efforts now hinge on more than just hand-washing requirements that were only loosely followed before the pandemic. Infection control now relies heavily on the use of masks (still), more frequent, mindful, and diligent handwashing, and most of all, keeping surfaces clean and regularly disinfected.

Companies have increased their allotted budgets to include more frequent and deeper cleanings, and cleaning companies have stepped up to the challenge. A sharp increase in the use of contract cleaning services was seen as lockdown regulations relaxed, and this increase continues.

Business organizations across the globe continue to hire cleaning service providers to ensure the good health of employees and customers. Consequently, those businesses are seeing an increase in worker productivity and happier, healthier employees.

Demand from employees to create a healthy work environment and government regulations that have been imposed have directly influenced demands for cleaning services. This pressing need to limit health risks is expected to continue to drive up demand for commercial cleaning services through 2030 and beyond.

The Impact of Green Cleaning on Market Growth

In addition to the increase in demand for post-pandemic cleaning services, there is also a surge in demand for green cleaning services. The concept of green cleaning involves the use of natural products for cleaning instead of harsh toxic chemicals. Some of the products that are being used in the green cleaning movement include:

  • Lemons
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Borax
  • Olive oil
  • Cornstarch
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Tea tree oil
  • Castile soap

Because many businesses rely on commercial cleaning services to keep their workspaces clean and also want to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility, commercial cleaners are taking green cleaners to all new levels of popularity.

The COVID-19 pandemic also played a role in the increase of using green cleaners. The booming awareness of the negative implications of using products with toxic chemicals fueled this growth, especially since people are much more conscientious of the importance of sanitation.

Growing concern for the environment, along with strong awareness of allergens and carcinogens and their impact on people’s health, has also contributed to the increase in demand for safer services and products.

Commercial Cleaning Services Market Increases: Additional Insights

Different segments of the commercial cleaning market, from flooring and carpeting to upholstery cleaning, are all seeing their own trends in market growth. The floor and carpet cleaning segment, for example, was responsible for more than 30% of the global market revenue share in 2022.

Cleaning Segment Market Trends

This growth is in part because of the higher prices cleaning services charge for this particular service. Flooring is a large and difficult area to clean and is also a challenge to disinfect. Floor and carpet cleaning is time-consuming and requires specialized equipment, depending on the specific task being done.

Because of this, floor cleaning services cost more than other cleaning services and vary depending on factors like frequency, complexity, time, and area. Floor cleanings are also a requirement for business organizations and are almost always outsourced to skilled, experienced professionals.

Upholstery cleaning is difficult to carry out properly, which is why commercial organizations depend on cleaning services to handle the task. Even though it’s been recognized for decades that upholstery can be a significant harborer of a variety of germs, this fact became even more pressing after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, the compound annual growth rate for upholstery cleaning looks like it will expand even faster and higher from 2023–2030 than the CAGR for the general commercial cleaning market: it is projected to be a considerable 8.1%.

Since upholstery includes chairs, sofas, window treatments, and other soft surfaces, all of which are exposed to human contact, they are the focus of many cleaning services to maintain the health and hygiene of workplaces everywhere.

The Impact of Real Estate and the Construction Industry on the Commercial Cleaning Market Segment

Out of the entire cleaning market, which is made up of residential, commercial, and industrial cleaning services, the segment with the largest revenue share in 2022 was the commercial segment, at 49.7%.

While this was mostly due to the responses to the pandemic, as stated, it also was influenced by the construction and real estate industries.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction and real estate industries in many areas of the world came almost to a screeching halt. Once lockdowns were lifted and global recovery began, both of those industries came out of their brief hiatus.

Renovation projects boomed as everything from permanent alterations to floor layouts and counter positions was needed. This resulted in a sharp rise in the residential and commercial buildings that needed professional cleanings once all the construction was finished.

Additional Contributors to the Market Growth of Contracted Cleaning Services

Commercial and industrial business organizations typically outsource many vital (and heavy-duty) cleaning tasks so their employees can focus solely on doing their jobs. These establishments include:

  • Educational facilities and institutions
  • Restaurants
  • Healthcare and medical facilities
  • Hotels
  • Shopping centers

Since the pandemic lifted and a sense of “normalcy” resumed, the need for cleaning services to keep up with the influx of foot traffic skyrocketed and hasn’t slowed yet.

Industrial corporations and businesses also rely on contractual cleaning service providers to carry out construction-based tasks like debris hauling, industrial cleaning, oil spill control, and more.

These highly specialized cleaning tasks were once heavily neglected and disregarded as non-vital. However, the push for workplace safety and health has changed that, further pushing the contract cleaning services market up.

The North America Contract Cleaning Services Market

North America claimed a majority of the global contract cleaning services market in 2022, with over 30% of the market revenue. This is partly because of the large number of professional cleaning companies and professionals in the U.S.

However, none of them clean to the extent, depth, and quality that 360Clean professionals do. We’re proud of our hard-earned reputation as a leading commercial cleaning service provider fueling the global market increase and keeping our business organizations clean and safe.

For a free quote or estimate on cleaning services in your location, contact 360Clean today.


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