Locker rooms can easily become one of the smelliest places in a school. For that reason alone, you must work diligently to keep them clean and odor-free. With showers and drains, these areas are also more prone to mold and mildew, so treat this area with special attention. To help get you started, read on for your guide on how to clean your school locker rooms.
Or, leave this special task to our team of cleaning professionals at 360clean. With our specialized approach to commercial cleaning, you can expect consistent high-quality results every time. Contact us today to receive a free quote for your school!
Risks of a Dirty Locker Room
You’re probably familiar with the scent of a locker room. That smell is a signal that the area is a breeding ground for viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Some of those microorganisms cause disease and infection, such as:
- Staphylococcus aureus (staph infection)
- Athleteโs foot
- Ringworm
- Respiratory infections
- Plantar warts
- Streptococcal bacteria that cause impetigo or cellulitis
Some of these diseases can even be life-threatening as they take hold and spread.
Using a Disinfectant for Locker Rooms
All chemicals used in cleaning a school locker room must be approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). You can find the EPA registration number on the bottle and double-check that it’s on the agencyโs list of approved chemicals.
Every chemical has different directions, including whether it needs to be diluted or used at full strength. Make sure it’s safe to use on the type of surfaces your locker room has and read any printed warning statements. Some products require you to pre-clean the surface if it’s visibly dirty. You can do this using soap and water.
When using the disinfecting solution, be aware of the contact time. This information is provided in the manufacturer’s directions. The surface needs to remain wet for the whole time to ensure that the cleaner effectively kills germs.
Remember to wear safety gear while using chemicals to protect yourself from asthma attacks, skin irritation, and other adverse reactions. After you’re done cleaning, seal any containers and wash your hands.
Tips for Cleaning a School Locker Room
No parent wants their child to leave a locker room with an infection. Thankfully, you can minimize this risk by following these cleaning tips.
Establish a Cleaning Process
Every school should create a cleaning process to ensure the space looks good and kill microorganisms and smells. Remember to use adequate disinfecting solutions that tackle the germs lurking in the locker room. Don’t forget to wipe down flat surfaces, like benches and other high-touch areas including:
- Door knobs and handles
- Locker doors and handles
- Door frames
- Countertops
- Sinks and faucets
- Benches
- Toilets
These areas may need to be wiped down several times a day to prevent the spread of disease.
Work From Cleanest to Dirtiest
When you’re cleaning a locker room, you might think it doesn’t matter what gets cleaned first. But tackling the locker room in a specific order will help ensure all surfaces get cleaned.
A good rule of thumb is to start with the cleanest area and work your way to the dirtiest. Similarly, youโll want to start at the highest spots and work your way down toward the floors to prevent re-soiling clean surfaces.
Consider Your Cleaning Products
A safe and efficient locker room cleaning uses EPA-registered, hospital-grade cleaning solutions for all high-touch areas and floors. Some EPA-registered chemicals may leave a residue, but theyโre guaranteed to provide the high-quality cleaning you need for grouted showers and other hard-to-clean surfaces.
Locate the Source of Smells
Mold, moisture, and protein-based soil tend to build up on floors, the bottoms of lockers, and bathroom drains, creating an easily identifiable yet unpleasant locker room odor. Rather than masking the smell with air fresheners, locate the source of the problem.
If it’s a moldy floor, it may need replacing. Otherwise, stay on top of your cleaning schedule to ensure that it stays sanitized. Consider adding an enzyme-based chemical to your cleaning arsenal to break down the proteins and stop them from causing odors.
Keep Up With the Traffic
School locker rooms see a lot of foot traffic every day. Ignoring this area increases the risk of dirt and bacteria spreading to other parts of the school. It also affects every student and staff member entering the locker room. Depending on the amount of traffic your schoolโs locker room gets, you may need to clean this area during the school day and after school hours.
Schedule a Deep Clean
Regular deep cleaning of every crack and crevice is crucial if you want your locker room to be in top shape. This may include emptying the contents from each locker and disinfecting the inside.
It can be beneficial to hire a professional cleaning service, as their expert cleaners are trained to ensure that every area of the locker room is cleaned.
Get Help from the Experts
We hope this guide helps your school in keeping your locker rooms clean. At 360clean, we know this can be a daunting task! Rather than take it all on alone, rely on our professional cleaning team to take care of your schoolโs toughest areas. Our specialized approach to commercial cleaning delivers consistent high-quality results that will keep your school looking its best all year round. To learn more about our commercial cleaning services, contact us today to receive a free quote!