The 360clean Support Center distributed pink microfiber disinfecting towels to all 360clean Franchisees to be used in all facilities in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
Through this we aim to spread hope and awareness to the prevention, research, and education of the second leading cause of cancer death in women.
We make it our top priority to recognize and support our 360fam through everything that they do. We want to take this time to recognize two 360clean franchisees as they share their stories as breast cancer survivors.
Meet Lynn Bissell
Lynn became a franchise owner with 360clean in December 2012 in Savannah, GA. She tells her story, “When I was 22 years old I was diagnosed with Hodgkins Disease in my neck and chest. I was treated with chemotherapy and then radiation. I went into remission, but unfortunately, 28 years later, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My doctors told me that it was the radiation that may have caused the breast cancer. They found two lumps in my right breast so the treatment plan was to have a unilateral mastectomy and then reconstructive surgery. At the same time I was dealing with my diagnosis, my sister was also diagnosed with breast cancer. They found two lumps in her left breast. She chose to have a double mastectomy. On top of everything, we had to go through this horrible and scary process during the COVID pandemic. We’re now both breast cancer survivors and stronger then ever!”
Meet Vicki Thomas
Vicki became a franchise owner with 360clean in July 2017 in Atlanta, GA. She tells her story, “Mammograms saves lives! I was diagnosed with .5 cm tumor in my left breast in April 2023. It was super small and really early so my options were to have surgery + radiation or have a mastectomy without radiation. I chose the latter. Unfortunately, breast cancer runs on both sides of my family so I decided to undergo a double mastectomy without reconstruction. Breast cancer treatment is always individualized because we are all different. Breast cancer isnโt always life ending but it is definitely life changing. Iโve found myself and more strength through this experience and Iโve met some of the most amazing women because of it. I could look at this experience as all negative but I choose to see the good that has been born from the dreaded โCโ word. CANCER can also mean empowerment, liberation and choice. Ladies (and men) please stay current on your mammograms and if needed please get genetic testing.”
We offer our support and hope to those who have suffered, lost a loved one, or continue to battle this disease. Together we can make a difference!